I'm Latch. I live in London, where I design and build applications.
I enjoy programming because there's always more to learn and things I can improve on. I have a knack for breaking big challenges down into smaller solvable problems.
I've loved making things for as long as I can remember. As a kid, I would often disassemble the electronic devices in our house, which drove my parents mad. My curiosity and interest in tinkering was fuelled further, when my dad brought home our first computer. I'd spend hours opening all of the applications, to see what they could do and playing around in Microsoft Paint.
My love of art and drawing led me to studying animation at university. Studying animation really strengthened my attention to detail and knowledge of colour theory, both of which I have found extremely useful when it comes to designing and building UIs.
When I'm not coding, I'm a big comic and anime fan. One thing I'd like to explore in the future is electronics, because I love the idea of turning my code into something tangible. Being able to program hardware so that it can solve physical problems is really intriguing.